Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Imgur or Bust

As I struggle to stay alive these last couple of finals, I use social media as part of my solace.

Yes, I have been trying to hang out with people before everyone has left forever (*cough* I mean, for the summer), but I'm also finding it incredibly hard to find the energy to get up and leave my room after all of the studying and paper writing.

That's where social media comes into play.

Imgur, my old friend, take me into your arms and hold me!

I find myself using sites like imgur more and more. They are just so darn entertaining while also being a means to communicate with real life people. I might know a single person on there (well, that's fairly unlikely as my weirdo friends are probably also users), but I still enjoy the wit and humor,  and even the compassion, that these people have.

Imgur has become my relief from all of the pressure of life (aka finals week). There are posts that make me laugh my butt off and then there are posts that make me cry so hard I don't know if I'll ever stop.

These are the types of websites that I love, and some times hate because some times they are just too real or the people are just too crude (there's always "that person" in every community).

 #ImgurianForLife #sweg #I'mSorryForTheseSadHashtags #NotReallySorry

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