Blogging has been a past time for a while now. Quite a lot of people blog because it is such an open and free way to spread your thoughts and ideas. It's opinion-based, for the most part, so anyone can post about almost anything that they want. Some people use blogs as a means of storing things that they want to look at later, while others use blogs to talk about their political, social, and economical views.
In an series of interviews by blogger Rebecca Blood titled "Bloggers on Blogging," she interviews other bloggers about why they blog and how.
Megan Reardon is one of the many bloggers interviewed by Blood. Reardon started her blog as a means to be able to remember links and posts that she wanted to be able to get back to later. She says it hasn't changed much from that over the years, even though she has a decently sized viewership. It's very interesting that she continues to maintain the blog in such a fashion; she doesn't feel pressured by the amount of viewers she has to post more often or have her posts be more consistent.
As the keeper of my own blogs, I find that I have also taken on this idea of maintaining the blogs in the way that I originally intended them for.
"Blogception"-- I like the title. In any case, I think if you get into the habit of blogging and don't allow yourself to be swayed by your audience, it is possible to stay true to your original vision for your blog. And that is because there are no publishers/editors breathing down your neck, demanding that you appease or pander to your readers...As there are in, say, advertising-supported newspapers or magazines.